Short-term effects of smoking may include the following:
"<span>Addiction to nicotine and exposure to dangerous chemicals"
"</span><span>More breathing problems"
"</span><span>Shortness of breath, phlegm, and a coarse cough"
"</span><span>Impaired lung growth and function"
"</span><span>Bad breath, yellow teeth, and stained fingers"
"</span><span>Foul-smelling clothes and hair<span>2"
Long-term effects may include the following:
"<span>Addiction to nicotine and exposure to dangerous chemicals"
"<span>Lung, mouth, throat, kidney, and stomach cancers"
"<span>Heart disease"
"<span>Impaired immune systems"
"</span><span>Emphysema and other chronic diseases"
"</span><span>Shorter lifespan (up to 20 years shorter)<span>3"
Quoted answers are NOT mine! There's a reason why they're quoted.
All credits reserved to their owners.
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Please, if you or someone you know is smoking/just got into smoking. Please stop yourself/them. The effects can be catastrophic if not handled/stopped soon. </span></span>
topical, chronological, spatial, cause-effect, and problem-solution sequence.