Esther Morris played a vital role in the women's suffrage movement in the Wyoming territory.
Esther Morris plays a significant role in Wyoming by fighting for suffrage rights for women. Women in America were not allowed to cast their vote to choose representatives. Morris worked hard regarding the rights of women and praise for her part in the fulfilment of suffrage in Wyoming. Wyoming was the first territory to grant women the right to vote in 1869. Esther Morris, born in New York State, moved to Wyoming Territory after her second marriage. She became the first women to hold justice of peace in America.
The correct answer is a concurring opinion.
Concurring opinions are written by Judges or Justices who agree with the outcome of the majority but who got there using different precedent, logic, legal reasoning.
5. label the atlantic ocean, mediterranean sea, black sea, and North sea
Answer: To convey our message
Words are very important in communication, because through words the person at the other end of communication channel would able to know exactly what is on our mind to say.
To fully pass message across words are not enough, we would need to apply body signaling, body movement, tone variation for the audience to fully get our message.
Due to this reason communication is most times talking face to face with your audience than through messages or letters.
The answer to this question is high-context culture
High context culture refers to the type of culture that value close interpersonal relationship among each members of society.
This become the reason why people in Mexico tend to display physical method of showing affection, such as kissing, hugging, cheerful greeting, etc.