A. High expressed emotion in a family is a good predictor of relapse among chronic schizophrenics.
Schizophrenia is a mental disorder characterized by a person losing touch with reality and behaving in an awkward manner in terms of speech, coordination and daily activities . The person affected usually experiences hallucinations and delusions and is triggered by genetic and environmental factors such as emotional stress.
High expressed emotion in a family is a form of emotional stress which serves as a good predictor of relapse among chronic schizophrenics.
Answer:An attack aircraft, strike aircraft, or attack bomber, is a tactical military aircraft that has a primary role of carrying out airstrikes with greater precision than bombers, and is prepared to encounter strong low-level air defenses while pressing the attack.
IV (four).
Fourth location is the best location to locate industries that relied on mills, such as textiles because there higher need of water for textile industry or any other industry and the location four is located on the bank of water body so the water is easily available to the industries that is used for making different types of goods. So we can conclude that location four is the best location to relocate the industries.
A coordinate system is a two-dimensional number line, for example, two perpendicular number lines or axes. The coordinates of the origin are (0, 0). An ordered pair contains the coordinates of one point in the coordinate system. A point is named by its ordered pair of the form of (x, y).
Tennessee Williams(1911-1983) Arthur Miller(1915-2005)