President grant was trying to save his face from the scandals that was uproaring about him thinking if he gets to the barrel his scandal will end. President grant was not corrupt but he was surrounded by corrupt individual and he was attempting to run away from his problems.
If he focus on the scandal he would not be able to focus on the reconstruction effort. This eventually affect his governance has he not trusted by his own people again.
The term "American" has changed for good. the term connotes people with diversity. The US being a multilingual nation, its people are perceived as those who appreciate diversity. The word "American" does not connote either a black or white person.
Agriculture changed the way ppl lived resulting in them not having to work as much. When ppl figured out they could grow crops and not have to hunt for food it saved them energy and was more convenient.
In the Wealth of Nations, Smith writes about an "invisible hand." the best answer to describe this invisible hand is A) a guid that ensures that people produce the things that society needs. This idea was the basis for market capitalism.