The economy runs better without governmental involvement.
In the Wealth of Nations, Adam Smith lays out a very robust theory about how the economy works, this is why many economists consider him to be the Father of the economic science.
Adam Smith's main thesis was that people, acting own their own interest, were guided by the invisible hand, leading to positive results that benefited the whole of society, even if that was not the main goal of economic actors in first place (their main goal being furthering their own interests).
For this reason, Smith thought that most government intervention was unecessary, since according to him, economic actors tended to self regulate in the market, and to produce an optimal result for society. He did justify some government intervention though: in the military, in the judicial system, and in some basic social services in order to care for the poor, the elderly, and the sick.
This question is referring to the Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass. Frederick Douglass was an ex-slaves who later managed to climbed his way up to become a statesman.
In his recollection, he mentioned 2 men who were put in-charge of him during his slavery days. Those two men were Mr.Severe and Mr.Hopkins.
He said that Mr. Severe was a cruel men. He often beat the slaves for no reason and always talk to the slaves in a demeaning attitudes. Mr. Hopkins on the other hand, was a different man. Douglass said that hopkin was strict, but never took pleasure in hurting the Slaves like Mr. Severe. This is why he respected Hopkins.