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These include clumped, even, and random. If individuals are evenly dispersed, they are located at equal intervals. If they are clumped, they are bunched together in clusters. Random dispersion means the location of each individual is determined by chance. The most common type of dispersion in nature is clumped.
Only the successful competitors will reproduce, mortality<span> is very high. Four (4) conditions for natural selection. Four conditions are needed for natural selection to occur: reproduction, heredity, variation in fitness or organisms, variation in individual characters among members of the population.</span>
*Sickle cell disease is a constitutional corpuscular hemolytic anemia related to an abnormal structure of the globin chain. It is an autosomal recessive disease, which means homozygosity is necessary to fully express the illness.
*It corresponds to the synthesis of an abnormal hemoglobin, HbS, which is different from normal Hb (HbA).
*The S allele (located in the chromosome 11), responsible for the anomaly, is especially widespread in the African continent, it is also found in other regions of the Mediterranean.
*Mutation GAG to GTG leading to the substitution Glutamine by a valine in position 6 of the chain of the globine.</span>