Answer: Please find below the answer along with explanation.
For a given communication channel (for instance, a LAN segment using Ethernet ) the Bandwidth refers to the theoretical maximum data rate that the channel can support, for instance, 100 Mbps in a 100Base T network.
The throughput, instead, refers to the actual data rate achieved in a given communications channel, taking into account the different channel impairments.
For instance, in a LAN segment that uses the original Ethernet 802.3 standard (CSMA/CD), a frequent occurrence of collisions can take down the actual data rate from the theoretical 100 Mbps to a very lower figure, i.e., 5 Mbps.
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
const float square_feet;
printf("Enter area in square feets: ");
// reads and stores input area
scanf("%f", &square_feet);
float acres= square_feet/43560;
// displays area in acres
printf("area in acres is: %.2f", acres);
return 0;
code is in C language.
double slashed '//' lines are not code but just comments to understand what it mean in code or for explanation purpose
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