If I'm not mistaken, it was to protest against the taxes they put
This passage expresses some of the negative attitudes that English settlers had towards American Indians.
First, the quotes serve to highlight the fact that colonists did not feel particularly bad for the deaths of the natives, as they show no empathy towards them. They were most likely indifferent to the loss of culture and the disruption of family life that this caused as well.
Moreover, it shows that they knew the reasons why the Indians were dying (smallpox), but had no interest in taking any measures to prevent it.
Third, they show a sense of entitlement over the lands of the indigenous people. As most of them have died, and the population cannot defend itself, they have no problem in taking their land forcefully.
Finally, by comparing themselves to the Spanish, they also show awareness of the destruction and chaos that colonial powers have created in other places, and are thankful that they did not have to engage in a difficult war with the Native Americans.
Answer: There isn´t a specific type of government official that feared Censorate, since it all depended on how censors behaved, which is why there is a mixed opinion, with some tales talking about benevolent and honorable censors, while others accepted bribes and extorted government officials.
We can say that Korea is the country where government officials feared censors the most, since the king´s influence was weak and the aristocracy was very strong, so censors became very critic with the monarchy.
The correct matching of the given sentences are:
a. China only wanted silver, giving China more trade power until Europeans flooded China with opium, giving Europe more power. Chinese tried to fight back, but the British would take over the trade by force.
Opium War in China
b. Europeans wanted to extend their control due to industrialization; to do this, they focused on the continent of Africa, where almost ALL of Africa became a European colony.
Scramble for Africa.
<h3>What is Colonization?</h3>
This refers to the use of military or economic might to be able to rule over a country usually through proxy.
Hence, we can see that the other answers are:
c. Guns, especially the machine gun, created a huge advantage for Europeans in battles, making it nearly meaningless for other people/countries of Africa to fight back.
Why are guns such an important part of colonization in Africa?
d. Weapon technology and use of existing power sources, like princes who would receive special benefits, worked to European advantage.
Why was the indirect rule able to work?
Read more about colonization here:
<em>As part of the Compromise of 1850, the Fugitive Slave Act was amended and the slave trade in Washington, D.C., was abolished. Furthermore, California entered the Union as a free state and a territorial government was created in Utah.</em>
<u>The Compromise of 1850 contained the following provisions: (1) California was admitted to the Union as a free state; (2) the remainder of the Mexican cession was divided into the two territories of New Mexico and Utah and organized without mention of slavery; (3) the claim of Texas to a portion of New Mexico </u>