1) Line extension
A product line is made up of a group of products manufactured by the same company and all of them are branded under the same name, e.g. Coke, Diet Coke, Coke Zero
When companies extends their product line, they are adding new products to an existing product line, benefiting from consumers' loyalty to the existing brand.
He can include $16,000 in his gross income.
As the life insurance policy was transferred for some valuable consideration so the amount of valuable consideration will be deducted from the insurance proceeds.
Also premium paid by the transferee will be deducted from proceeds.
Now as the transferee received $25,000 from insuarance company.
So Tylor can include $25,000 less $7,500 less $1,500 in his gross income.
He can include $16,000 in his gross income.
Trend Analysis
Trend analysis pertains to categorizing and assigning statistical prototypes that indicate labor demand for the next business year. That is, forecasting your future labor need from past experience and statistical data. This gives Sasha a reasonable objective statistics from the past 3years which she will base her forecast on for the next year. These statistics are also called leading indicators. In this technique. Sasha is utilizing trend analysis to anticipate labor demand.
The practice of making false statements about a property in order to lower its value and increase the buyer’s profit is called Blockbusting. Blockbusting is the method of convincing landlords to sell estate cheaply, which was done by the U.S. property agents and construction developers and they do this by developing terror in the people that people with different racial and class will be soon relocating in the neighborhood and hence benefiting via reselling at a more expensive cost.