Follow these steps:<span>Click the Microsoft Office Button, and then click Word Options.
In the left pane, click Customize.In the Choose commands from list, click All Commands.<span>
White Space Between Pages, click Add, and then click OK.
The White
Space Between Pages option will appear on the Quick Access Toolbar.</span></span>(google)
I hope I answered your question!
Open a document: Ctrl + O.
Create a new document: Ctrl + N.
Save the current document: Ctrl + S.
Open the Save As window: F12.
Close the current document: Ctrl + W.
Split the window: Alt + Ctrl + S.
Copy: Ctrl+C
Paste: Ctrl+V
Cut the current selection: Ctrl + X
Copy the current selection: Ctrl + C
Paste the contents of the clipboard: Ctrl + V
Bold: Ctrl + B
Italics: Ctrl + I
Underline: Ctrl + U
Underline words only: Ctrl + Shift + W
Center: Ctrl + E
Make the font smaller: Ctrl + [
Make the font bigger: Ctrl + ]
Change text to uppercase: Ctrl + Shift + A
Change text to lowercase: Ctrl + Shift K
Insert a page break: Ctrl + Enter
Add a hyperlink: Ctrl + K
What are you trying to ask...
B. a wristwatch or rng because you and get electrocuted