Can you provide more info
<u><em> the types of burns that require medical attention are Burns that are at least second-degree and that cover more than 10 percent of the body's surface </em></u>area are generally considered to be critical in most locations, but be sure to follow your local protocols. To determine the total burned surface area in the field, use the Rule of Nines. also burns that exceed 30 percent of a person's body can be potentially fatal.
here's some categories of burns
Electrical Burns
Radiation Burns
Friction Burns
Chemical Burns. You may receive a chemical burn if your skin and/or eyes come in contact with a harsh irritant, such as acid
Thermal Burns. Thermal burns occur when you come in contact with something hot.
The well being of your body, mind, and relationship with other people is health.
1. THEY FOCUS ON THE POSITIVEWhile not ignoring the bad news, people have made a conscious decision to not spend a lot of time and energy focusing on problems. Rather, they look at what is positive in a situation and look for solutions to a problem. These people focus on what they are able to do and that which is within their control.
2. THEY ARE FORWARD THINKING AND WILLING TO LET GO OF THE PASTPeople are too busy thinking of possibilities in the future to spend a lot of time dwelling upon things that didn’t work out in the past. They take the learning from their past failures and apply it to their actions in the future. They never see failure as permanent or a personal reflection of themselves.
I hope it helps.If it really does please mark brainlist