A slave was not a citizen but rather the property of an owner
Congress had not have the power to tax. Congress did not have the power to regulate foreign and interstate commerce. There was no executive branch to enforce any acts passed by Congress. There was no national court system.
The last major difference between the trial courts and the appellate courts is the role of the jury. A jury is a group of citizens who listen to the facts and make decisions about the case. A jury is sometimes used in trial courts to help decide the case. ... Appellate judges determine the outcome of all appeals.
my sister was almost stolen true story
a person came at 3 am in the morning and got my sister she cried waking us up we garbed a gun and he put her down. that was our neighbor so we called the cops as well he didn't go to jail and we were fined for "making up this story and planting evidence" omg how did they bye that garbage from that dush!!!! any way 500 bucks were gone and we steel were kinda poor but 1 month later dad got his new job and now he makes $20,000 a year well $16,000 because of the governments theft but all good. now for the past 14 years hes had that job and now we live in a 3 story house!!! the end.