Well first of all who is your favorite celebrity?
Then find some research and look up interesting facts you did not know about.
Game’s top rack not top pop
Hi! I'm a Digital Marketer Intern at hotels.ng and I have a moderate knowledge on programming.
First, your question is not very explanatory. The term "view" is often used in back-end web development. A view is simply a Python function that takes a Web request and returns a Web response.
But I'm not sure this is what you want, so I'll just go ahead and write a python function involving class to return the total number of credits taken by a student.
I'll answer this question using Python.
class student(object):
credits = None
year = None
def num_credits(self):
#get credit value
self.credits = input("Enter the total number of credits: " )
def getYear(self):
self.year = input("Enter current year: ")
def tot_credits(self):
TotalCredits = tempTotalCredits + self.num_credits
print "Your total credits are :"+" "+str(TotalCredits)