All of the above.
There isn't a need for this, it just is.
Vitamin K, I believe anyway I may be wrong.
After instruction about care while at home this statement <u>"I should contact the doctor if my temperature is 100.4° F (38°C) or higher.</u>
" indicates effective teaching.
Explanation :</h2>
Because there is an increased risk of infection in the client , so , when the client says that she will contact the doctor if her temperature is 38° C (100.4° F) or greater , successful teaching is indicated.
The client should be instructed that he should monitor her temperature two times / day.
The client should avoid all the activities which can cause infection i-e from coitus, douching, and tub bathing.
As water in shower doesn't enter the vagina and increase the risk of infection ,showering is permitted .
A fluid intake of at least 2 L daily is recommended to prevent potential urinary tract infection.
Jump up into the air as high as you can. Land softly and immediately lower into the next rep.
Do as many reps as possible in 45 seconds.
(C) Building fires near flammable debris.
I have no explanation, except the fire is not environmentally sound.