When starting a small business it is very important to remember to take into account your employees point-of- view
Answer: A: the time required for monetary policies to take effect
The impact lag also known as the response lag is the time it takes for corrective monetary and fiscal policies, designed to smooth out the economic cycle or respond to an adverse economic event, to affect the economy once they have been implemented.
For instance, during the last recession, several policies were introduced by the government to manage the situation . The time it takes for the citizens to feel the impact of these policies is known as the impact lag phase.
The answer is psychological contract.
A broken psychological contract may occur when an employee believes that working extra would be naturally rewarded. This, however, may not be business policy. If the person is salaried, they may not be compensated for the extra hours worked.
Daily acts and remarks made in the workplace, as well as how they are interpreted by all parties involved, have an impact on the contract.
In other words, it is a promise developed via regular workplace encounters in which the organization learns what is expected of each employee.
Psychological contracts evolve and adapt to the organizational working culture over time. However, they are generally difficult to change and can differ across individual party members and whole organizations.
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Budget expenditure part
B.H. No. Budget heads Annual Appropriation of Budget
22311 Office expenses 58,000
22121 Rental charges 30,000
22711 Miscellaneous expenses 11,000
29311 Furniture 1,50,000