Participating in extreme sports can help your cardiovascular system work properly and better because extreme sports usually are very taxing in terms of being an aerobic sport which also puts a lot of burden on the aerobic system. Another benefit would be not so health-related but more personal; doing extreme sports and being close to death - which can hppen - makes one more appreciative and aware of life and death.
A: Primary Care is used (mainly in UK and North America) to describe primary medical care or family practice. Primary Health Care is a broader term encompassing a wider range of providers and services and functions and goals
skin biospy
there is no lab tests to confirm or diagnose dle so a skin biopsy is necessary to confirm the diagnosis
Individuals in earlier stages are more reliant on the older generations, while those in the generativity vs. stagnation stage are concerned with giving to the next
tears cannot transmit HIV
Breast milk can transmit HIV