The correct answer is option:
The peak of the bell curve has shifted to the right, with a greater frequency of crickets with long legs and a lower frequency of crickets with short legs.
The given condition would lead the directional selection of the crickets with long legs. Directional selection leads to shifting of curve in one direction, which is more suitable.
The crickets with short leg get easily caught by predators, so, after sometime, there would be a decrease in number of the crickets with short leg. At the same time, the crickets with long leg would manage to save themselves and their number would comparatively increased.
Im not sure if this will be the answer you teacher is looking for but i think the answer would be
Hair on the head protects scalp from injury and sunlight
Eyelashes and eyebrows protect eyes
Nostril and ear hairs protect from foreign particles
2,500 is correct in my opinion