Just do normal division, just like ignore the decimal point. for a moment once you got your answer bring back the decimal point back up to your answer. You would get 0.27 as your answer.
3/7 and 4/17
Step-by-step explanation:
a) given that Shen is playing a game and the probability of unlocking the treasure test is 3/10.
To find the odds in favour of his character unlocking the treasure chest.
Since probability = 3/10 we have favourable and total are in the ratio 3:10
i.e. favourable:Favourable+unfavourable= 3:3+7
Hene odds= favourable:unfavourable =3/7
Answer is 3/7
b) Given that odds against choosing a blue block are 13/4
This means there are 4 blue blocks and 13 other colour blocks.
Total blocks= 13+4 =17
No of blue blocks = 4
Probability of selecting blue block=4/17
manda una foto pls es que no me deja ver lo que has puesto
Step-by-step explanation: