As any other ancient civilization, the Sumerians were traders as well. And they had a few good reasons to do this.
Because they traded, their trading partners were less likely to attack them, because it would hurt their economy as well. Furthermore, they didn't produce everything they needed and traded those goods with goods which they produced too much of.
And lastly, through trade they could also get exotic goods which they would have never gotten otherwise.
Enzymes break up the electrons of water to yield oxygen and hydrogen gas
True, planets are round because of gravity
The reasons why 241am smoke detectors are perfectly safe is because;
(i) The amount of americium is very little.
(ii) The aluminium core is where the detector is hosted.
(iii) The detector has a plastic cover.
(iv) Radiation is limited in penetrating power.
(v) There is a low number which is leaving the case.
(iv) ions get trapped by electrodes.
The correct answer is C. Raccoons are generalists, and salamanders are specialists.
Generalist animals feed on a wide variety of prey or food that they might find anywhere. They can develope under many enviromental conditions making use of many reasoucers.
Specialist animals search for their special kind of prey or food until they find it, inhabiting only in areas under certain contidions.