Cnidarian is a phylum of organisms that comprises of the simplest forms of multicellular organisms. Examples of cnidarians includes; coral animals, jellyfish, and sea anemones among others.
They are soft-bodied, carnivorous animals that have stinging tentacles arranged in circles around their mouths. They are the simplest animals to have body symmetry and specialized tissue.
All cnidarians are aquatic, mostly marine organisms, and have two body layers that is the ectoderm and endoderm.
Long ears have to be dominant:
If this IS true then these would be your 'parents':
L = long ears
l = curly ears
LL x ll
If you cross the homozygous recessive curly eared rabbit (ll) with homozygous dominant long eared rabbit (LL) you would get 100% Ll - all would look long eared.
Two genetically identical daughter cells are produced from a single parent cell in mitosis the muscle that helps in respiration.....there are also some other said flat so diaphragm !
A cross between two different lines and/ or genes that differ in two observed traits.