The pollen grains contain sperm which will fertilize the egg and create a seed to sprout the next generation of plants. The main male part is the stamen. It is divided into two parts: the anther and the filament. The anther produces the pollen grains that contain the sperm needed for fertilization.
The correct answer is: True.
- The writing of a person is controlled by an region located in the left part of frontal lobe of the brain which is known as the Broca's area.
- Writing is a motor impulse send by the brain to the hand and fingers.
- However, no two individual can have the same hand-writing.
- This is because hand-writing is not only dependent on the brain to hand motor co-ordination.
- It also depends upon the psychology, mentality, thought process, state of mind, nature of the person and also the influence of the surroundings on the person.
- It also depends on the preference of the person to keep his writing artistic or simple or illegible.
- All these factors can never match between two persons.
- This is the reason, no two persons can share the exactly same hand-writing.
1.During glycolysis,four molecules of ATP are formed,and two are expended to cause the initial phosphorylation of glucose to get the process going.This gives a net gain of two molecules of ATP
For every glucose molecule that undergoes cellular respiration, the citric acid cycle is carried out twice; this is because glycolysis (the first stage of aerobic respiration) produces two pyruvate molecules per glucose molecule. During pyruvate oxidation (the second stage of aerobic respiration), each pyruvate molecule is converted into one molecule of acetyl-CoA—the input into the citric acid cycle. Therefore, for every glucose molecule, two acetyl-CoA molecules are produced. Each of the two acetyl-CoA molecules goes once through the citric acid cycle.
The citric acid cycle begins with the fusion of acetyl-CoA and oxaloacetate to form citric acid. For each acetyl-CoA molecule, the products of the citric acid cycle are two carbon dioxide molecules, three NADH molecules, one FADH2 molecule, and one GTP/ATP molecule. Therefore, for every glucose molecule (which generates two acetyl-CoA molecules), the citric acid cycle yields four carbon dioxide molecules, six NADH molecules, two FADH2 molecules, and two GTP/ATP molecules. The citric acid cycle also regenerates oxaloacetate, the molecule that starts the cycle.
While the ATP yield of the citric acid cycle is modest, the generation of coenzymes NADH and FADH2 is critical for ATP production in the final stage of cellular respiration, oxidative phosphorylation. These coenzymes act as electron carriers and donate their electrons to the electron transport chain, ultimately driving the production of most of the ATP produced by cellular respiration.
During anaphase 2, the chromosomes' centromeres break, and the spindle fibers pull the chromatids apart. The two split portions of the cells are officially known as "sister chromosomes" at this point.