the answer is 18 yes you are correct
Okay so you are correct with the gradient of the perpendicular line it is -5/2 however the equation is not y= -5/2 -1 because it is a new Line and has a new y-intercept therefore its Y=-5/2 + C but you have corrected that when doing the formula and have got the right answer
v = 1/(1+i)
PV(T) = x(v + v^2 + ... + v^n) = x(1 - v^n)/i = 493
PV(G) = 3x[v + v^2 + ... + v^(2n)] = 3x[1 - v^(2n)]/i = 2748
PV(G)/PV(T) = 2748/493
{3x[1 - v^(2n)]/i}/{x(1 - v^n)/i} = 2748/493
3[1-v^(2n)]/(1-v^n) = 2748/493
Since v^(2n) = (v^n)^2 then 1 - v^(2n) = (1 - v^n)(1 + v^n)
3(1 + v^n) = 2748/493
1 + v^n = 2748/1479
v^n = 1269/1479 ~ 0.858
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