gogi apparatus and the rough endoplasmic reticulum
After the synthesis of proteins in their various site of production, thses proteins needs to be packaged into vessicle for transport to their destination. Vesicles that bud off from the Endoplasmic reticulum will then fuse with the nearest Golgi apparatus membranes, the cis-Golgi. these vessicles continue to travel using vesicle transport through the Golgi apparatus until they reach the end of the golgi appartus budding off — called the trans-Golgi. they are then transported to wherever they are either - the lysosomes, the plasma membrane etc.
they all have different second names
Hotspots from under the ground
There are three different situations where an volcano can form. A divergent boundary, where two tectonic plates move away from each other, subduction boundary, where one of the tectonic plates moves under the other, and a hotspot. Scientists are not completely sure how hotspots form.
They use C, thermal heat. This is because the vents use heat from the earth and it warms up the organisms that are very deep in the ocean. The reason they do not use sunlight is because they are so deep down in the ocean that sunlight will not reach them.