Which of the following statements is TRUE about the relationship between alcoholism and genetics?
A. Alcoholism is strongly tied to genetics, and children of alcoholics are more likely to become alcoholics themselves.
Proof is the standard measure used to determine how much alcohol is contained in an alcoholic beverage.
Which of the following is NOT true about alcohol and sexual activity?
C. Drinking alcohol may lead to enhanced sensitivity while engaging in sexual activity.
Answer:Blood type is controlled by multiple forms of a single gene, while the length of corn ears is controlled by many different genes.
Kyphosis is a spinal disorder common in some individual due to the nature orf the development of their spinal cords. This disorder led to the abnormal rounding of the upper back resulting in a severe curve called hunchback when the condition happens to be severe. The following below are the signs and symptoms of kyphosis:
hunched back
tight hips
weak shoulders
weak abs
rounded shoulders
excessive back arch