Answer: packets
Network navigation devices, such as routers, help data travel in bundles that are referred to as packets. As, networks that transfer the data in small packets are known as packet switching network and that packets carry the data using the internet and the protocol and each of the packet contain some information and data to navigate.
It depends on HOW much money is circulating. If governments just print money with nothing to back it, hyperinflation occurs. If there's a bit too much money and credit, inflation happens. Generally, 3% inflation is considered normal and a healthy amount by economists.
A general rule for adding text to a slide is to use not more than two fonts in a presentation and vary the font size. Besides adding text you can also import text, photographs, numerical data, and facts from files created in programs such as Microsoft word, excel and access.
Network Interface Card (NIC)
Also called Ethernet Card, the Network Interface Card (NIC) allows a computer or any device to make wired or wireless connections with other devices in a network. This connection made possible by the NIC allows the device to send and receive messages in the network.
An application of this is seen in Internet of Things(IoT) where devices communicate with one another. This is actually possible because all of the devices one way or the other have a network interface card.
The Magnetic attraction will decrease