Solar cells can be classified into first, second and third generation cells. The first generation cells—also called conventional, traditional or wafer-based cells—are made of crystalline silicon, the commercially predominant PV technology, that includes materials such as polysilicon and monocrystalline silicon.
open cluster. globular cluster. eclipsing binary
a control group
In a scientific experiment such as the one above, there is an experimental group and a control group. The experimental group is the group that receives the treatment while the control group does not receive any treatment. The control group helps the researcher to observe if the treatment had any significant effect.
In this case, it will help Alan and Monica to determine if fertilizer X actually had an effect on the plant. Therefore, the pot with o grams of fertilizer in it is the control group.
the answer to your question is 15 :)
I have a formula here that might just help you solve the problem on your own:
The number of images depends on the angle between the two mirrors. The number of images formed in two plane mirrors inclined at an angle A to each other is given by the formula:
Number of images = 360<span>/A - 1.
I hope my guide has come to your help. God bless and have a nice day ahead!