The jews wander without a country for about 40 years before reaching there destination
It would go down because the government wouldn’t be spending money to help the dip go up.
The school bell rang right after the test got handed to me. i eagerly turned it around excited to see my score i was THRILLED with the result i sighed of relive and sprinted!! out the class . i stopped in the hall felling a bunch of sparks of happiness inside me i was proud of myself. there she is!! i see my mom!! i run and show my mom the score i got she was as thrilled as i was! we were both extremely happy
Conflict theory
In sociology, conflict theory states that society is in a permanent conflict because of competition for resources.
Conflict theorists focus on <u>inequality and power</u>, saying that society creates inequality conditions for people and this, in the long term, generates insatisfaction and social conflicts.
Where does this inequality comes from?
<u>From the people who have more power</u> and dominance and thus, they are the ones who maintain social order by creating arrangements perpetuating these differences.
In the example, the social theorist is asked to explain why people in different occupations have different incomes and he says that this is an unfair arrangement that has been created by people with more power.
So, first, this theorist <u>focuses on power</u>, then he mentions the inequality on incomes has been <u>created by this people who have more power</u>. Therefore, we can conclude that this social theorist is most likely to adhere to the conflict theory