Answer: Misinformation effect
Misinformation effect is the concept in which episodic memory recollection becomes less precise due to post event information. Original event memory gets disturbed through post event memory tat leads to creation of incorrect memories or false memories.
According to question,misinformation effect is depicted as fictitious information created after car accident event is filmed.As smashing word is creating a information of glass breaking in accident whereas people who do not hear smashing has no such false scenario.
ok doctrine that the vital principle of organic development is immaterial spirit. 2 : attribution of conscious life to objects in and phenomena of nature or to inanimate objects. 3 : belief in the existence of spirits separable from bodies.Explanation:
a member of a class of traveling poets, musicians, and storytellers who maintain a tradition of oral history in parts of West Africa.
One of Nigeria's biggest problems is its lack of good leadership. Nigeria has barely managed to rule itself efficiently or achieve political stability since it gained independence 56 years ago. the Nigerian civil service has depreciated over the years and now riddled with corruption and ineptitude. Being so with Corruption, Impunity Leaders, Internal Strife, Worsening Economy, Administrative Inefficiency and Over Dependence on Oil.