Latitude and longitude. They are the imaginary lines drawn all around the world, they give specific locations.
"Pthirus pubis" infest both men and women and are generally spread by sexual contact.
The crab louse
for the most part is found in the individual's pubic hair. In spite of the fact
that the louse can't hop, it can likewise live in different zones of the body
that are secured with coarse hair, for example, the eyelashes. People are the
main known hosts of this, despite the fact that a somehow related animal
categories, Pthirus gorillae, affects gorilla populaces.
Katherine's opportunity cost of attending the lecture is: the transportation and time cost of getting to the lecture event itself plus the reduction in her physics exam grade by not studying tonight.
The opportunity cost is the "cost" lost by not enjoying the benefit associated with the chosen alternative choice. People usually make use of opportunities to make themselves better.
The opportunity cost can be explained as giving up of profit or value to achieve something else. Opportunity cost is the value of giving up the best thing whenever you make a decision. When Katherine decided to attend the lecture of her favorite author, she lost her time, transportation cost and even scored low grade in physics exam as didn’t study on exam night.