Generations of Computers Generation in computer terminology is a change in technology a computer is/was being used. Initially, the generation term was used to distinguish between varying hardware technologies. Nowadays, generation includes both hardware and software, which together make up an entire computer system.
Enter a number: 7
Enter a number: 10
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 3, in <module>
print (numi + num2)
NameError: name 'numi' is not defined
The typo in the print statement causes a run-time error, where obviously num1+num2 was expected, and an output of 17.
a = 6, b = 0
The loop ran 3 times before b == 0. "while ((b != 0)" is essentially saying: 'While b is not equal to 0, do what's in my loop'. Same general thing with "&& ((a / b) >= 0)". The "&&" is specifying that there should be another loop condition, while the rest states: 'as long as a ÷ b is greater than 0, do what's in my loop'. If both of these conditions are met, the loop will run, It will continue this until the conditions are not met. Hope that helped! :)
There is a solution called ETA (Encrypted Traffic Analytics) this is a security advanced network that helps us to identify malware between the encrypted data, but with this tool is no necessary to break any protection and privacy chain.
This technology use machine learning to read all the traffic without deciphering it, in this way we can detect a difference between reliable and malicious traffic.
En windows we can use Microsoft Security Essentials like antivirus and detect virus, we can use Process Explorer, analyze the traffic, we can use Microsoft Network Monitor.