B : Niche marketing
Niche marketing is a form of target marketing where a supplier focuses his marketing efforts towards a particularly small group. His services are usually modelled to the interest of his target market. An example is a pet furniture maker dog houses and other furniture targeted at dogs for purchase by dog lovers.
Every organization has an internal and external environment , in order for the organization to be successful, it is important that it scans its environment regularly to assess its developments and understand factors that can contribute to its success.
Environmental scanning is the identification of opportunities and threats affecting the business for making strategic business decisions, as part of the environmental scanning process, the organization collects information regarding its environment and analyze it to forecast the impact of changes in the environment.
the amount specified is reasonable and actual damages are difficult to determine.
Liquidated damages provision is a contract that is drawn up between parties in a transaction. It defines the damages that will be paid by a party for non performance in a contractual agreement.
The liquidated damages provision is enforceable when a contract is breached and it is difficult to determine the amount of actual damage done. The next option will be to use the stated amount in the contract so far it is reasonable.