Port 443
This is the Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure that combines the HTTP with a cryptographic protocol, which can be used for payment transactions and other secure transmission of data from Web pages. Whenever you connect to a website beginning with "https://" or you see the lock icon, you’re connecting to that web server over port 443.
Option D
An Entitlement is an option to utilize, get to or devour an application or asset, commonly for a charge. For instance, a client may buy an Entitlement to utilize an application in ceaselessness (a "unending" permit), or they may buy a period restricted option to utilize an application, (for example, a one-year membership permit).
Upgrade Site1's (probably WAN) network connection.
System Software
Anything on your computer that includes system services, configuration files, and many other computer preferences is called system software. System software like the operating systems themselves, browsing software, and many other software programs offers platform to other software. It falls in between the user and the hardware. Once your Operating System is installed, the system software comes preinstalled. System software constitutes every program file on your computer that interacts in a very basic level with the hardware.