I think the word you're looking for is "hypothesis".
For example, a hypothesis could be "dogs drink more often when owners are present".
And then this can be proven (or dis-proven) by an observation (or in this case rather: measurement).
World war 2 brought a great need for manufacturing weapons and other supplies. the war brought money for america as they used their immense industrial economy that caused the great depression to produce supplies, reopening the thousands of now needed jobs.
psychosocial development
Erik Erikson has given the theory of psychosocial development in which he has mentioned eight different stages from infancy or birth of the child to adulthood.
According to Erikson, in each of the stages an individual experiences a particular psychosocial crisis that can often have a negative or positive outcome or result for his or her personality development.
Psychosocial development came into existence after Erikson has criticized Sigmund Freud's psychosexual developmental stage because he believes that a child grows differently throughout the life irrespective of the five stages that Freud has to give. A psychosocial development includes the interaction between psychological development or the social environment.
I dont understand that question