The correct answer would be option C, Exchange Rate.
When planning a trip to Spain, Brett and his wife, both Americans, were concerned about how much they could afford to spend in Europe because sometimes the U.S. dollar will buy more goods and sometimes it will buy less, based on changing economic conditions. The Exchange rate is the rate at which the currency of one area or country can be exchanged for the currency of another’s.
When one currency of a country is exchanged with the currency of another country, the rate at which the currencies are exchanged is called as the exchange rate.
For example while planning a trip to Europe from America, the couple have US dollars which they need to exchange in Euros to be able to use the currency in Europe.
Roughly, a Euro is equivalent to 1.08 US Dollars, as of today. So this 1.08 dollars will be the exchange rate for US dollars to Euro.
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Mckinley is the highest mountain in north america
In a market economy the production is determined not by someone's decision <em>(which can be wrong, and a wrong decision is the reason why there there are unwanted goods or a lack of wanted goods) </em>but it is regulated by the supply and demand: if there is a need for a good, it will be produced, and if there is no need for something, its production will halt and there will not be an unwanted storage.
In short, in a market economy, the economy itself regulates this.
The Answer is B. They Transmit history and culture
The national government deals with foreign affairs and politics.