Answers with Explanations:
1. How is peace communicated?
"Peace" may be communicated in various ways. It can be communicated in our everyday lives such as<em> interacting with people.</em> The <em>media</em> and<em> television</em> are also means to communicate peace to a larger audience. Some communicate peace by using the Internet, such as publishing a journal.
2. What is meant by social peace?
"Social peace" refers to the process of<em> maintaining harmony</em> in social relationships. It tries to <em>avoid misunderstanding</em> or <em>disagreements </em>and looks for <u>solutions</u> in order to<u> prevent interpersonal conflicts</u>.
3. How can we always be peaceful?
We can always be peaceful if we are, firstly, at peace with our selves. It is an important factor to prevent a cluttered mind. Secondly, we should have empathy or understanding on how other people feel. This is essential in order to properly respond to them. We can only do this if we put ourselves in their shoes.
I think that the question is:
Which of the following would serve as support for this assertion? and apart from the first sentence, those are options.
and the answer is: both of the above. One sentence lists the benefits for the team and the other for the company.
The answer is d. postconventional.
According to Kholberg, postconventional morality is the last stage of his moral development model. In this stage, a person has formed his own sense of morality. However, in some cases their beliefs might be different from other people's. If the person is able to act beyond their own sense of morality, it's possible to say he is at the postconventional stage.
Good diplomatic relations with other countries is the key to prosperity of each nation. Every nation has its strong and weak points. Some nations have a strong infrastructure and finances while others are gifted with natural resources. A good diplomatic relation with nations helps each nation to progress and grow- thanks for the points
The correct answer is letter C.
Kinesthetic = "relating to a person's awareness of the position and movement of the parts of the body by means of sensory organs (proprioceptors) in the muscles and joints."