Multiplying fractions is just multiplying the numerators together and the denominators together.
To find out which one is bigger, we need a common denominator. The LCM of 7 and 21 is 21, so convert the first fraction into a denominator of 21. 7 goes into 21 three times, multiply this to the numerator and denominator:
Now just compare the numerators to see which one is bigger.
step by step
add 2 to -11 and divide-9 by 3
Answer:mark is 7. Mike is 4
Step-by-step explanation:x+y=11. Y=2x-10 thus substituting for y in equation1 we have x+2x-10=11. 3x-10=11. 3x=11+10. 3x=21. X=21/3. X=7. Mike =(2×7)-10=14-10=4
It is (13 + 34), (43 + 4). Hope this helps!!! It couldn’t be the other ones because they don’t include all of the numerals.