Boston Tea Party. a raid on three British ships in Boston Harbor (December 16, 1773) in which Boston colonists, disguised as Indians, threw the contents of several hundred chests of tea into the harbor as a protest against British taxes on tea and against the monopoly granted the East India Company.
Boston Tea Party. a raid on three British ships in Boston Harbor (December 16, 1773) in which Boston colonists, disguised as Indians, threw the contents of several hundred chests of tea into the harbor as a protest against British taxes on tea and against the monopoly granted the East India Company.
Pavlov used proved his theory of classical conditioning by studying salivation in dogs. He observed an unconditioned response, the salivation, that was a consequence of an unconditioned stimulus (the meat). Then, he paired the unconditioned response with a neutral stimulus (the sound of a bell), by giving the dog the meat after ringing the bell. He found that after being conditioned, the dog salivated every time he heard the bell ring, the salivation was now a conditioned response.
<em>The symbolic gesture used by the monks excommunicating excommunicating government officials, military and supporters is upturned begging bowls.
<em>The monks in Myanmar protested against high fuel prices by refusing to accept alms.</em> They held the bowls they use to beg for alms upside down by showing its black lacquer surfaces out.
By refusing to accept alms from military rulers and families the monks were excommunicating them from Buddhist religion.
<em>The number of monks and soldiers in Myanmar is almost equal and monks are the ultimate moral authority in Myanmar. </em>
Which transition word signals a cause and effect relationship between ideas?
This is an example of face-saving behavior.
She did this in order to avoid feeling embarrassed, or to lessen the embarrassing situation which may have happened if she showed that she heard them fighting. By pretending she didn't hear anything, she kept the appearance of a normal situation.