I believe it is A and D. All you have to do is add them all together and if both sides are the same then its a correct answer.
Step-by-step explanation:
We need to evaluate if thickness of a 10 gauge metal sheet is a requiered in the process that means 3.416 mm thick. So that should be our null hypothesis; μ₀ = 3.416 and based on sample data, we will formulate an alternative hypothesis taking into account the mean, and standard deviation obtained. We surely will have better information to take a decision
Step-by-step explanation:
you subtract 6 from 33 and that gives you your value of x
Step-by-step explanation:
If the first one is 7 inches long, and 6 inches wide, and the second one is also 7 inches long, but is 6x2 inches wide, then what's the area?
So, Picture Frame 2 = 12 inches wide
Formula for finding area = LxW
L = 7
W = 12
So hence, your answer is 84in²
The area of the second frame is 84in²
Complete the square.

Use de Moivre's theorem to compute the square roots of the right side.

Now, taking square roots on both sides, we have

Use de Moivre's theorem again to take square roots on both sides.

![\implies z = {w_2}^{1/2} = \boxed{\pm \sqrt[4]{3} \, \exp\left(-i\dfrac{5\pi}{12}\right)}](https://tex.z-dn.net/?f=%5Cimplies%20z%20%3D%20%7Bw_2%7D%5E%7B1%2F2%7D%20%3D%20%5Cboxed%7B%5Cpm%20%5Csqrt%5B4%5D%7B3%7D%20%5C%2C%20%5Cexp%5Cleft%28-i%5Cdfrac%7B5%5Cpi%7D%7B12%7D%5Cright%29%7D)