With the first antipsychotic drug
In the Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle provided the first systematic study of ethics in the history of the Western world. This work is based on notes from his lectures at the Lyceum, consisting of ten books. Ethics, roughly described, is about good living given that it's aim is to create good living. Ethics should describe how one could best live. Aristotle continues the discussion about this subject that had previously started with Socrates and Plato.
<u>Norms provide members with cues about how to behave.</u>
<u>Norms: </u>IN psychology, the term "norm" is referred to as unwritten yet understood limitations or rules of a particular culture or society for the different behaviors that are being considered as expected and acceptable.
<u>Norms </u>are considered as fundamental concepts in the area of "social science". Norms can either be prescriptive (to encourage positive behavior) or proscriptive (to encourage negative behavior).
<u>In the question above, the given statement signifies "Norms provide members with cues about how to behave".</u>
<em>Solon helped the farmers </em><em>by cancelling their debts. </em>
Solon was Athenian lawmaker, statesman. During those times farmers were angry because they owed money to the rich, and they demanded to end the debts. So soon they started rebelling against the nobles. Solon helped the farmers by cancelling their debts and freeing the enslaves.