It is not required by the Constitution, though all so far have been members.
To keep balance of power in Europe--> no domination of one state in Europe
The Libertarian party is highly against government interventionism and believes that wars should be fought only and only if attacked first, as self defense.
1.After the fall of the Han Dynasty..rebel groups seized control of their own areas of China.Their leaders made themselves kings and started fighting with each other.
2. The Sui Dynasty began to set in motion an artistic and cultural renaissance. Sui emperor seized the throne and took firm control of North China.
3. Sui emperor won the West and South and ruled over unified China..
4. Confucian rituals were reestablished. Penal code was set up and administrative laws that were lenient, fairer, and simpler.
5. Short regime collapsed in a welter of rebellions. The relations with the Turks in the West deteriorated and the wars in Korea to exact tribune failed,
He was impressed
Despite his disappointments, Ibn Battuta was impressed that the Mali people "have a greater hatred of injustice than any other people." He related that the mansa showed little mercy to the guilty. "There is complete security in their country," he wrote.
hope it helps you and give me a brainliest