Answer: Pull strategy
Pull strategy is the technique that is used in the marketing field for attracting the customer towards any product or service.This can be done through promotion, advertising , pull tactics etc.
Information regarding the product is spread through this method so customers get pulled towards the business product .
According to the situation mentioned in the question, Frontier filmmaker is using the pull strategy to attract the customers by advertising the show typically the people like to watch.
With steerage from the expert, the intervention affords a planned possibility to provide help and result in the desired changes. An intervention may be direct or oblique.
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In public speaking situations, the ethical obligations of listeners is to maintain the open and free expression of ideas and to be courteous and attentive during he speech. Doing these shows the audience respect to the speaker.
In the art of public speaking, listening is an important aspect. Listening is not just about hearing but how we interpret what is heard. An ethical listener interpret and analyze the information passed by the speaker and speaker's effectiveness. An ethical listener does not judge the speaker based on his or her prestige or prejudges a listener. An ethical listener, shows and communicates respect to a speaker by preparing to listen and also listening with his or her body by avoid distractions.
extensive library collection of UFO material and meeting room
The museum contains an extensive library and exhibits all focused on the history of UFO encounters. Additionally it has an extensive library collection of UFO material and meeting room. It functions as the centerpiece of the annual UFOfest held in Roswell each year