An example of the liver is an organ.
The liver is positioned on the right side of our stomach, and is colored reddish-brown. The liver aid us to get rid of damaging substances and benefits us to keep the body natural of contamination. The liver also is treated as a gland, due to generating bile (needed to consume fats). The liver can likewise help us wipe out aged blood cells, eliminates unhealthy substances such as alcohol and narcotic types, and also serves in balancing iron and vitamins in us.
The effect of an external physical factor on cell division is clearly seen in density-dependent inhibition, a phenomenon in which crowded cells stop dividing. ... When cells have formed a complete single layer, they stop dividing (density-dependent inhibition).
B thrombocytes
Thrombocytes are something that forms in your bone marrow. Also known as platelets, these will clot up to prevent bleeding.
B because the organism needs the organelle to function