The missing options are:
- steroid hormones
- carbs
- essential fatty acids
The correct answer is essential fatty acids.
Essential fatty acids are the fats that our body can not produce by itself, but that are essential for the function of the body, so we have to consume foods that have these fats, such as fish, oysters, nuts, chia seeds, soybean oil, etc. The deficiency of these fats causes skin problems, alopecia, anxiety, depression, among other things.
C. THE CONVERSION OF FRUCTOSE 1,6-BISPHOSPHATE to fructose- 6- phosphate is not catalyzed by phosphofructokinase -1, the enzyme involved in glycolysis.
This statement is true as the enzyme involved in this step is FRUCTOSE-1,6-BISPHOSPHATASE.
Gluconeogenesis is the coversion of non-carbohydrate molecules (lactic acid, amino acids, glycerol) through the pyruvic acid into glucose in the cells.
This process takes place mainly in the liver and occurs during periods of fasting, starvation, low carbohydrate diets.
The pathway of gluconeogenesis involves eleven steps of enzymatic catalyzed reactions.
In the conversion of fructose 1,6- bisphosphate to fructose-6-phosphate is catalyzed by fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase and not by phosphofructokinase -1 which is involved in glycolysis. This step is a rate-limiting step of the pathway.
The conversion of glucose-6-phospahte to glucose is not catalyzes by hexokinase but glucose -6- phosphatase.
factors that influenced daily food choices:
- biological determinants
- economical determinants
- physiological determinants
- physical determinants
- social determinants
- behavioral determinants
Social -ecological system is the set of different factors which influence our living styles, our dietary habits, our dress choice etc. on a daily basis. In today's world, everything act is done by people are only based on its popularity or followed by trends. Similarly, our daily food choices are also influenced by the trends and our surroundings in which we live. There is the impact of multiple factors on our daily food choices.
- Behavioral factors: behavioral factor is the most important factor which have a huge impact on our daily food choice. An individual health condition, behavior, attitude, work routine majorly influence the food choices. An individual personal preferences, likes and dislikes also influenced his food choices.
- Biological factors: these factors can influence individually as well as globally. Hunger, nutrient requirements, condition of safe food, health conditions are the major biological factors which play major role, when it comes to choose daily food. These factors can affect the global food preferences, for example in the pandemic of convid-19 food choice were similar of every individual globally.
- Economic factors: availability of food, cost of food, balancing of needs and demands also impacts our daily food choices. If cost are too high of basic food and the availability is only limited to certain people, it automatically impacts on the food choice of an individual.
- Social Factor: when we talk about social factors these are the group of different small factors like culture, work environment, school, colleges, religious preferences, friends circles, demographic conditions etc. our daily food choices are mostly based on the social factors because our likes and dislikes, meal patterns, our preference of food (cooked, raw, packages, cooking style etc.) Everything based on the impact of the surroundings. In schools and colleges, students are bound to eat what is available or what their friends prefer to eat. Religious backgrounds always choose as per their rulings. Traditional foods, cultural heritages also an impactful factor for our daily food choices.
- Physiological factors: mental health condition are also one of the important factor which can not be neglected when we choose our food to eat. A healthy individuals preferences will always be different from a sick person.
Social-ecological model can help us with our daily food choices by giving us the knowledge of the factors and its healthy impact on our food choices which can lead us to a healthy life and prosperous environment. Smart choice not only make us health but also make the environment healthy for our lives.
Answer: 3(three)
In the biosynthesis of phosphatidylethanolamine from ethanolamine and triglyceride, 3 high energy molecules are used in the first and second step.
The first steps occur in the cytosol, where ethanolamine is phosphorlated with ATP to give phosphoethanolamine and ADP by the enzyme ethanolamine kinases, and in the next reaction which is the rate-limiting step, phosphoethanolamine react with cytidine triphosphate (CTP) to form cytidine diphosphoethanolamine. In this reaction two molecules of phosphate group is given off.
The third step occurs in the endoplasmic reticulum CDP-ethanolamine react with diacylglycerol to form phosphatidylethanolamine.
The answer is Three high energy molecules. One molecule of ATP to form phosphorylethanolamine and two molecules of ATP to regenerate CTP from CMP.