Answer: ATP
Explanation: ATP molecules can be made per oxidized<u> glucose molecule during cellular respiration</u> (2 from glycolysis, 2 from the Krebs cycle, and about 34 from the electron transport system).
Las unidades de Mendel se conocen ahora como GENES
Durante sus experimentos, Mendel demostró que las características de las plantas de guisante (por ejemplo color de la flor, color de la semilla, forma de la semilla, altura de la planta, etcétera) eran heredadas, y denominó "elementos" a las unidades portadoras de dichas características. Es decir que cada elemento o unidad discreta, era el responsable de que la planta exprese una u otra característica. Estableció que estos elementos se redistribuían independientemente uno de otro, generación tras generación. Con el paso del tiempo y el avance de las investigaciones, estas unidades o elementos fueron denominados <em>Genes</em>.
Tarbuck, Earth's crust is made up of several elements: oxygen, 46.6 percent by weight; silicon, 27.7 percent; aluminum, 8.1 percent; iron, 5 percent; calcium, 3.6 percent; sodium, 2.8 percent, potassium, 2.6 percent, and magnesium, 2.1 percent
About 29% of Earth's surface is land consisting of continents and islands. The remaining 71% is covered with water, mostly by oceans but also lakes, rivers and other fresh water, which all together constitute the hydrosphere.
Almost 99% of the minerals making up the Earth's crust are made up of just eight elements. Most of these elements are found combined with other elements as compounds.
The plasma membrane has a double layer of phospholipids with proteins dispersed throughout. These proteins help increase the durability of the membrane, as well as help with filtration.
Answer: They create density differences that cause dense deepwater currents to flow toward the equator where they displace less dense, warmer water above them.
The temperature and salinity has a major impact on water current of oceanic water. The warm water is usually less denser than colder water, so it remains at the surface of water body, whereas the colder water being more in density remain in a depth. The salinity of cold water is more than the warm water.
According to the above explanation, they create density differences that cause dense deepwater currents to flow toward the equator where they displace less dense, warmer water above them is the correct explanation.