This involves a dihybrid inheritance I.e. two genes are being passed on. During meiosis, specifically, the Prophase stage, homologous chromosomes (similar but non-identical chromosomes received from each parent) line side by side. According to the question, one chromosome contains A and B alleles and its homologue, received by the other parent carries a and b alleles. This means that the diploid individual has a genotype AaBb for that gene.
According to Mendel's law of independent assortment, the alleles separate independently of one another into gametes. I.e. allele A and a separates into the gametes without affecting alleles B and b of the other gene.
Crossing-over, which is the exchange of chromosomal segment occurs between the two homologues. Hence, the exchange of chromosomal segments containing alleles in the individual will possibly produce four gametes with the genotypes: AB, Ab, aB, ab.
A mass movement is movements of masses of bodies of soil, bed rock, rock, debris, soil etc. which usually occur along steep-sided hills and mountains because of the pull of gravity
They are things your body cannot produce on it's own
They act to regulate the expression of specific genes (androgen-responsive)
Testosterone is a reproductive hormone in male humans. Testosterone as well as its closely related hormones e.g dihydrotestosterone, all belong to a class of hormones called "Androgens".
Androgens operate by entering into a cell and binds with specific androgen-receptor proteins (AR proteins). This contact activates the AR proteins, forming an androgen-receptor complex.
This complex then translocates into the nucleus of specific cells to bind to the DNA. Once it binds, it either inhibits or promotes the expression of specific genes (androgen-responsive). Hence, AR proteins are transcription factors because they play a significant role in regulating transcription of specific genes i.e. turning 'on' or 'off' of specific genes.
This process helps to direct the development of male sexual characteristics.
The Central Nervous system is made out of spinal cords that connect to the brain.