A public school, because so they would have many more people literate to help around the town.
made or grew it. for instance butter was churned, dresses made from scratch, took 3 days to do the wash. things like shoes were ordered from a cobbler, but most things had to be made at home. bartering was also an option and depending on if they were in a city or town there could be a general store. women in cities had access to more, but 90% of the colonists were farmers so a majority were not in cities.
The 13th Amendment was the amendment that abolished slavery in 1864. The problem with these Georgia's Black Codes is that they were just another way of keeping the blacks in a cycle of slavery. Slavery was prohibited in all instances except as a punishment for crime. Most of the African-Americans after the war have been jobless and this law basically made it possible for them to be arrested for being jobless and put to slavery once again.
1324 ended
The city of Tenochtitlan was founded in 1325