The five major milestones in the New Testament narrative of the life of Jesus are his Baptism, Transfiguration, Crucifixion, Resurrection and Ascension.
Sputnik, 1957. On October 4, 1957, the Soviet Union launched the earth's first artificial satellite, Sputnik-1. As a result, the launch of Sputnik served to intensify the arms race and raise Cold War tensions. During the 1950s, both the United States and the Soviet Union were working to develop new technology.
Charlemagne was a greater leader who unified his kingdom by fighting off invaders. He also unified the Kingdom using Christianity. He was also an astute administrator who ran an orderly government and bureaucracy. As a result, he was able to maintain order throughout the empire
Well, as a girl I would feel pressured to be a mother and a wife because that’s what the schools are teaching me. I would feel lucky to be a student, because many other kids my age don’t get to go to school.