The sentence that best conveys the author's message in the story is:
"As long as we get to spend time together, it doesn't matter what we're doing."
The story attached clearly revolves around the theme of friendship. Kim could have chosen to be upset because Lily wanted to cancel their plans to go to the movies. However, she chose to help her friend instead. Together, they spent hours doing Lily's project and, as it turns out, they had fun together. Kim was attentive to her friend's need and, because they like each other so much, even school work was a fun activity for them.
She’s disobedient? whats the question?
</span><span>The information scientists are getting from human
hair is one single strand can inform you what you consume and drink in
your diet. It can also enlighten you when and where the individual has been – geographic location.</span>
<span>2. </span> It
developed when a professor named Professor J. Ehleringer <span>from a
university in Utah began puzzled what animals consume and
drink and if they move over era. He then concludes that hair is like a tape
recorder and it can demonstrate what an individual consumes, drinks, and where they were at that era.</span>
<span>3. </span><span>An isotopic
analysis works by getting oxygen and hydrogen. Their dissimilar isotopes are located in different clusters but it is
depends on where the water comes from, then that mix gets put down in the tissues of
the animals or humans that consume the water.</span>
</span>Through isotopic
analysis, forensic scientists can recognize mutilated or weakened body; they
can also recognize what is the history of his life.
<span>5. </span><span>Forensic isotope analysis can help to identify a
mutilated executed victim. </span>
<em>CERCLA set up a trust fund to fund both cleanup and enforcement actions. Sometimes, the fund is called the Superfund.</em>
<em>On December 11, 1980, Congress passed the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA), commonly known as Superfund.</em>
The law passed a tax on both the chemicals and petroleum industries which established wide Federal power to respond directly to leaks or potential releases of hazardous materials that could threaten public health or the atmosphere.
$1.6 billion was collected over five years, and also the tax went to a trust fund to clean up hazardous waste sites that had been neglected or unregulated.