I think its 4 I'm not so sure though
an aptitude test.
Based on the scenario being described it can be said that the test that Francis is scheduled to take would be classified as an aptitude test. This is a test that tries to determine an individual's innate ability at a particular competency. These are abilities such as sequencing skills and abstract reasoning skills, and are the results of these tests are used in order to see where a candidate can best be placed within a program/company to best perform.
Code is completed below
Source Code in Java:
class Parenthesis
boolean hasBalancedParentheses(String eq) //method to check and return if a set of parenthesis is balanced or not
int count=0; //to store count of current unclosed opening brackets
for(int i=0;i<eq.length();i++)
else if(eq.charAt(i)==')')
if(count<0) //if count falls below zero, there were more closing brackets than opening brackets till this point
return false;
if(count>0) //if count is still more than zero, there were less closing brackets than opening brackets
return false;
return true; //if program reaches this point, it has passed all the tests
public static void main(String args[])
//testing the function
Parenthesis ob=new Parenthesis();
I would say A. Test it and receive feedback