The Wizard used tricks to fool Dorothy and her friends.
as supportive and nonjudgmenta
The hints we get form the text are " approved tolerance for others", and "inclined to help rather than to reprove". From this, we can assume he's not bitter and unforgiving. We don't have any textual evidence for cheerful, independent, or adventurous. So we can assume that he's as supportive and nonjudgmental.
In the lady of shallot, The speaker calls her tapestry "a magic web" because the lady was weaving a tapestry picture without even straight to the world, except viewing the world through a mirror placed besides her.
Though she was happy weaving but was fed up viewing life through a reflection.
One day, when the bold and handsome Lancelot was riding by,She rushed to the window to view directly towards Camelot, This act placed a curse on her which later leads to her death.
What I think he means is that the bystanders knew what was happening but didn't stand up for it. They didn't fight for the Jews rights. But in my opinion that statement is wrong since anyone who stood up or defended the Jews would be killed.
The school leaders at Washington University helped Yoshio Matsumoto by extending him an invitation to study there at the engineering faculty.
It was a hard time during the World War II, and despite the U.S were hostile towards the Japanese people, they created a council to help them overcome their difficulties by studying at the University. George Throop, the school's chief administrative officer, issued a letter in which he stated that Japanese students would be accepted to be educated at the institution. Washington University sponsored Yoshio Matsumoto and changed his life for the best by making him an engineer.