The double-headed eagle was a main element of the coat of arms of the Russian Empire (1721-1917), modified in various ways from the reign of Ivan III (1462–1505) onwards, with the shape of the eagle getting its definite Russian form during the reign of Peter the Great (1682–1725).
The effect of social media on democracy is changing the public mindset about political parties.
- Social media is a platform that reflects the core of society.
- It gives more people a voice and a chance to discuss the issue and to be heard.
- social media can reach easily to the public and spreads all the information about the particular topic.
- It is one advantage of democracy.
- The disadvantage is it changes the people's mindset and it can reflect during the election pool.
- There are many examples of this disadvantage.
- These platforms are terrific for democracy.
Research are simply designed and carried out in other to answer questions, therefore designing ar compiling research parameters would need to be tailored with the type of questions the researcher wants to find answers to. Research design may be in the form of surveys may be in the form of a questioneer., online or face to face interview of respondents carried out in other to obtain information from their interviewee. Surveys and other research designs are subjected to further scrutiny and testing to show relationship between measured variables. Thus, surveys and other research designs such as correlational study are mainly used to establish relationship or variation between variables.
population density
Because many people travel from rural areas to urban areas in search of greener pastures therefore making the population rise